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Why Should Every Yogi Take a 200 Hour YTT Course?

Why Should Every Yogi Take a 200 Hour YTT Course?

Akshat Yoga School648 18-Feb-2020

As yoga has become famous all around the globe, many people have started taking up the practice of this ancient science as their career. To take up yoga as your career you have to start with yoga teacher training courses which allow you to deepen your practice to be able to teach it further.

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Yoga teacher training offers enormous career benefits for yoga enthusiasts but it also adds up value in other ways. The benefits of yoga are many including injury prevention, improved flexibility and posture with a healthier body and mind. But you might not know about the benefits to motivate people to take up yoga teacher training courses. Even if you do not wish to become a yoga teacher, you can explore Yoga Teacher Training in Goa to learn what you will not be able to learn in your regular yoga classes.

Here are some benefits that tell why every yogi should take a 200-hour YTT course:

  1. In depth learning
    Whether you are new to yoga or practicing yoga for many years, attending a yoga teacher training will give you a deep understanding of this ancient wisdom. You will get many tools from yoga teacher training to enhance your yoga practice. You will be taught about the anatomy which will give you a deeper understanding of your body, asanas, adjustments and alignment which will further enable you to avoid any kind of injury. 
    In a yoga teacher training, your ability to hold asanas will increase while improving the focus on your breath. You will learn the true philosophy and nature of yoga and the different aspects of yoga leading you to self-discovery. Yoga teacher training will be a life changing experience for you which will broaden your mind and open many opportunities for you in life.  
  2. Improves your personal practice 
    The most crucial connection in your life is with yourself and yoga tries to build that more deeply. It takes practice to achieve the mind-body-soul unification. Through this unification, we are able to understand ourselves in a better way and become the best versions of ourselves.
    If you wish to become a professional in the field of yoga or understand more about it, yoga teacher training will provide you enough opportunities to nurture your personal practice in detail.
    You will be able to focus on yourself and realise your strengths and weaknesses from which you can learn and change the negatives into positives. You will be able to connect with your inner self in a true sense while you are surrounded by peace and positivity.
    You will be able to understand better about asanas, adjustments and alignments and its benefits on your health. Everyone has different requirements of yoga postures and here you will learn which pose is beneficial for which body part. You will learn to master the poses that looked impossible to you at first.
  3. Widens your worldview
    Yoga teacher training will bring many positive changes in your lives and positive change is one of them. 200 hour yoga TTC in Goa will give you a nurturing environment with likeminded people and interacting with them will help you to open up about the different perspectives of life which will broaden your worldview. 
    You will be able to explore all the aspects of yoga which will increase your awareness which will lead to your personal growth. You will see life from a new perspective which will make you value it and be more grateful about it.
  4. Gives you life skills
    You will learn many life skills during a yoga teacher training and even if you have them, YTT will help you improve those life skills. These life skills will enhance the meaning of your life and help you prepare for the future. You will be able to enhance your communication, gain confidence and develop a positive outlook which will help you lead a fearless life.
    You will understand the philosophy of life which will help you gain a deeper meaning of your own life. These life skills will also help you become a successful yoga teacher or have a successful career.
  5. Connect on a spiritual level
    You will connect with your spirituality in yoga teacher training, which is another important aspect of yoga apart from the physical aspects. You will study yoga sutras, recite mantras and practice meditation which will help in transforming you and making you a better version of yourself. It will help to de-clutter your mind and make way for the positive thoughts.
    The spiritual benefits provided by yoga makes it different from all other forms of exercises. You will develop a positive attitude towards life which will make you successful and help you make decisions in life easily.
  6. Heals your body and soul
    Attending a yoga teacher training course includes the spiritual and physical aspects of yoga. It helps the mind to make a deeper connection with itself, which allows the psyche to heal.
    Yoga is wonderful not only for healing but for preventing illnesses like depression, anxiety disorders, addictive disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It also heals various physical disorders. Yoga is a complete package and will improve your physical, mental and emotional well being.
  7. Build better relationships
    Humans are social animals and we are all connected with each other by the vital life force called prana that flows in and out and is referred to as energy. We get affected in different ways by the people around us which in turn affects our energy levels.
    The fact that others have the power to handle your own energy shows that we are connected on energy levels. We affect each other through our actions, deeds, thoughts, and work. Yoga teacher training will help you to recognize and understand yourself better and by doing that you will treat people with greater respect, love, and kindness.


The 200 hour yoga teacher training is a foundational course for all yogis who wish to turn themselves into teachers or seek deeper enquiry of the self. If the base is strong then, it becomes easier to build upon the same and enhance your knowledge and wisdom.

Akshat Yoga School is a center for a yoga retreat and yoga teacher training in Goa. It was established with a vision to change society with the help of qualified yoga teachers who inspire students towards their spiritual evolution. The courses are spiritually focused and offer a unique blend of practice in yoga to build a foundation of deep self- connection and personal growth.

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